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Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana • 5

Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana • 5

Lafayette, Indiana
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PERSONAL AND SOCIETY NEWS T5 i 1 d'" SSSeMAd2 Eleven arm Leaders Will be aurins nl auiuiuw Will MC Qnrina and the grand jury Parents Mr and LoMar of District or Spring and Summer il Prices range from Personals Colors are her sister visit with Boyd of many The Aftermath WE DELIVER of lu Clubs LAAYETTE INB Your doctor will impress upon I draw out the inflammation at that following recovery from tract the blood away from the congested spots and relieve he cough In addition the medici ne Parties 'There's Smocks Middies Would Rat Weddings $350 to $450 $175 to $450 OS erywhere CTRIZdI PREVENTS DISEASE I 2e00 18661 The Spat a Creation to this store feel The oster Shop 434 Main Street POPULAR store HIS MASTERS Orchestra Orchestra are in Phone 474 blue com Make Used Apparel Stylish and New 18646 85c the it ion ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Announcement is made of the en gagement and approaching marriage of Miss Edith May Munn daugh ter of Mrs Charles Knab of Els ier ight 1 I Than Work COUNTY AGENTS DISTRICT TO confer Monday Navy buff turquoise can beauty rose coral pink red white light blue green brown and black be ick voile hand 18650 85c Left All Alone Again Blues (ox Trot) Ji Orchestra Whose Baby Are You? (One Step) Joseph Orchestra Picturesque colorful as smart as a dress as practical asa separate blouse ap propriate for all daytime occasions A Victrolas and Victor Record Side Square 18651 85c and William Lahr son of Mr 'and Mrs John Bahr 172S Chai les street The wedding will take place sometime in May Eastman ilms and Kodaks Pripting and Developing Prof Mary Smith Prof and I Bernard Stuart Mr Taylbr Prof jamin Dean Carolyn Capt and Mrs 1 Venetian Moon (ox Trot) Swanee (One Step) flannel cloths Leave the do ing loose around the neck a The woman who heavil? her comfortable1 luxurious JUNIOR PROM PATRONS Patrons dnd patronesses of Junior Promenade which will held riday evening April 30 the Smocks of heavy an linen daintily embroidered round1 belted style in rose green and white and blnation of colors Money back without question if HUNTS Salve fails in the treatmentof ITCH ECZEMA KIKtjWUKM or other itching skin diseases 75 cent box at our risk Hook Drug Co suffered for trouble and hated for a I would whether you intend to make a purchase now or just to get an idea of the prevailing designs DIAMOND prices have been steadily ad vancing for many years due to a universal demandthat has exhausted most of the available supply 'But you are right in coming ing thatoti are safe guarded in diamond purchases Our interest is sincere in making your satisfaction sure'Our advice if ndeded will prove helpful The present is the most opportune time to buy DIA MONDS and our prices still remain lower than the present market A SANDBERG Practical Plumber 920 Main St Phone 1488 Prass Shoe Co North Side Square A Syrup Hypophos phites Compound $100 Mat Prof Mrs Sobel and Mrs and Mrs Scanlon i 18643 "85c Middies and Smocks avorite and Best riend 666 i Main St ve'ry well in Office or An All Day Session Joseph Ardapple was fined $5 and costs in the city court Thursday af ternoon on' a charge of violating the city ordinance requiring draymen to report 'removals to? th police de partment within twenty four hours The officers have had much trouble in securing removal reports and in structions have been issued to file charges in ail cases where tho dray men fail to make the report our charges were filed against Mr Ard apple but three were dismissed He was before the court on a similar charge once before nal ingredients of Vicks a Dr and Mrs George Mrs Sixth the Cozy Corner Methodist Sunday The Honky Tonky club will give a dancing party at Thurs day April 22 Dancing will be from 9 to 1 o'clock and or chestra will play i Boone Whitt isewtoi Mrs Lee Mooney entertained the Wednesday Afternoon club Wednes day at her home on North Thir teen tli street Mrs Merle Rose of Chicago was an out of town guest Mr and Mrs James Edwards of street entertained the members of the Mid night club Wednesday evening' Cards were played and at a late hour supper was served or Co VEIT HAAS The marriage of Miss Rebecca Veit daughter of Herman Veit to William Haas son of Mrs William Haas of North Seventh street was solemnized at 8 clock Thursday evening by Rev Hans Zumstein at the Evangelical church parsonage There were no attendants ollow i worry about perfect results Use "Diamond guaranteed to give a new rich fadeless color to any fabric whether it be wool silk linen cotton or mixed goods dresses blouses stockings skirts children's edats feathers draperies coverings The Direction Book with each package tells so plainly how to dia mond dye over any color that you can not make a mistake To match anv material have drug gist show you' "Diamond Dye" color i card All Star Trio Al! Star Trio $100 Syrup Hypophosphites Comp $100 $120 Pinkham Compound a ieu $100 $110 $100 unty agent at ill ie a eiieiai I following spef "Securing for CountS' Bausman of Results Club pin county The Jn a ten i recess at noiln Chicago vrara aero a nrinter in this was here riday visiting friends Mrs Eli Greensfelter will return Sunday to her home in Logansport after' a visit here with her daugh ter MrS erdinand Goodman and other relatives Mrs Herman LoMar and baby visiting relatives and friends Chicago Mr and Mrs Louis Graham sons George and Henry liver ind in' icluding appeni will convince' Hogan Drug and druggist DYE OLD SHABBY OR ADED ROCK' the be in Purdue Memorial gymnasium Vice President and Mrs Middies of weight galateas and inen tailored i i all white and colors jr with contrasting collars'' and cuffs Those Packer teacher Kennedy Ken Etter Kenneth Russell Jacot night long thus bringing medication to bear directly up the inflamed areas Vicks should be rubbed over the throat and chest ur the skin is then spread a smoker at the club Saturday even ing A program of talks and mu sic has been arranged Members of the Ph' Kappa Sigma fraternity will entertain with alancing party Saturday evening at Colonial hall Other Snappy Dance Records Be Surprised (One Step) 1 i All Star Trio I Keep (ox Trot) All Star Trio Apple Blossoms (One Step) 'Orchestra Carolina Sunshine (Waltz)' Smith's Orchestra a ch just to fne taking a course ful Remedy I work and talk about cat I am last one to leave is a simple that tti from the intest ir the inflammation tically all stoma This is No 1 of a series of advertisements prepared by a competent physician explaining how certain diseases which attack the air passages such as Pneumonia Influenza hoop ing Cough Measles or even a long continued Cold often leave these organs in an inflamed congested state thus affording a favorable foothold for invading germs And how Vick apo Rub may be of value in this condition Members of class of the school at Buck Creek very plcas antfy surprised one of their mem bers Clifford Hamilton at a fare well party at the home of I Seberdy Wednesday evening present were Rev and Mrs Riley Mrs uiancne of the class Dale neth Church Josie iTHn Rrirlirp and Clifford Hamilton Games were played during this evening and re freshments of ice cream and cake were served TTTR TtAA YTyr PR JOURNAL COURIER riday Evening" April 16 1940 7ined or ailure To Report Removals $100 Indu 3 for $250 $100 Mineral Oil 85c Sulphur and Cream Tartar Tablets box 10c A Digestive Tablets 25c and 50c they want in this new spat pump a bud at its throat yet this little insert relieves strain where strain was felt it furnishes a backing for orna olis will arrive Saturday to spend Sunday with friends Carleton Marsh of Muncie Is the guest of friends in the city Miss Hazel Sarles has returned from a several visit in Ixs Angeles Cal where she has been the guest of her brother Roscoe and wife She was accompanied nome by Mr and Mrs Roscoe Sarles who will be the guests of the formers a I IWCUW before going to moianujwu Mr Sarles will prepare for the 500 mile speedway race in which he will participate Mrs Straubinger who has been spending the winter in lorida will return the first of the week from Evansville where she has Been the guest of relatives en route to her home in this city Miss Edith Torhson who teaches in the High school at Williamsport has arrived homie to remain over the week end Miss Pauline Hottenstein has re turned to her home at Attica after a few visit in the city with relatives Mr and Mrs Miller and lit tie son William have returned to thpir home in Worthington after a visit with Mr and Mrs George Weigle of Perrin avenue Miss Esther Morrison or rana fort arrived riday for a short visit with friends I Scher of Roberts street will spend Sunday with friends in Chi cago Mrs Andrew Haag has returned to her home in Washington Ind after an extended visit 'with her son A Haag who is ill at his home on South Eighth street Miss Valeria Jil Kerwin of Chi cago arrived riday afternoon for fi uhnrt Herbert Light of North street Janies years vrarren Newtoq ei and ountain rBnce i ni uiij iiv ij i ie of Walter 5 the table now' Irmless prepara! rnturiivil lit i1 al traet and allays Guest day was observed al the meeting of the Camouflage club which was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs Ralph Nelson on Littleton street West Lafayette A program of solo dances by Miss Betty Wanglin and readings by Mrs Brown was greatly en joyed The Honky i'onky club will meet' Monday April 19 at 8 Busi ness of importance will be transact ed and a new treasurer will be in stalled Gerry Mohlman iavuhiap an1 inrnmTriRT WOODS STARK The marriage is announced of John Stark and Miss Zona Mary Woodse both of Indlahabolis which was performed at Indianapolis by Dr rederick Taylor the' irst Baptist church April 11 Mr Stark was for many yefirs a resident of Lafayette After a short wfcdding trip they will be' At home at 2126 Bellefontaine street Indianapolis GRIMES PETERSON orest Peterson and Miss Gath 'AT In CJ Cl ill 1'1 1111CD VUW1 vl' IX i Hill were united in marriage last Vnal ailments i Tuesday by Rev Hordeman tls One dose at rankfort Mrs Peterson is the money refunded daughter of Mr and Mrs John Hook Drug to Grimes of Hill Mr Peter son is engaged in farming He and his bride will reside at Hill The newest a most charming creations of the best manufacturers pt re silk fibre silk and wool in coat slip on tuxedo and ripple styles or street garden sports or resort wear they are absolutely the thing THp rmintv aerenf 3 comprising the counties of Tip pecanoe Carrou Clinton Benton Montgomery Jaspei win noia a coniei Monday in the offi Kell Tippecanoe which time there discussion with the cial topics presen Successful Agents White county and in and McKenzie ount conference will beg in thn morninc wit for luncheon and another session in the afternoon I from UU he' active stage of influenza there often remains an inflamed congested condition of the air passages throat larynx bron chial tqbes and lungs I requently the cough Hangs on soreness of the chest persists vou take cold easily and there may be obstinate catarrh This condition is slow to clear up and if nJected may favor the de velopment of pneumonia or later on serious disease of the lungs Such cases should continue under the care of their physician should exercise moderately in the openairj eat plenty qf whole some avoid overwork and sudden chills Nightly applications of VapoRub may help nature to complete the process of repair Because Vicks acts locally by stimulation thru the skin to Eyes Inflamed? i If your eyes are wezA: tired or overworked if they ache if picture shows make them feel dry and strained get a bottle of Bon Opto tablets from your druggist dissolve one in a fourth of a glass cf water and use as an eye bath from two to four times a day Bon Opto allays inflammation invigorates Vines up the eyes Note: Doctors ny Bon Opto fit S0 in a time in alters a simplicity? some thought too severe Suit able for alb occasions A Walk tailored io fit you perfectly Gall and notice how well your in step looks above this high Louis heel vaporized by the body beat Tbise vapors are breathed in all ion In Your Arms (ox Trot) That Naughty Waltz Demanding Attention Is Our Showing of Sweaters Marshall Governor and Mrs James Goodrich President and Mrs Stone Dean and Mrs Skinner Dean and Mrs Stanley Coulter Dean and Mrs Ben 1 rlljciiizjvei Kirkwood Major and Mrs Byers Dr and Mrs Moran Dr Hatt Dr and Mrs George Spitzer Dr and Mrs Carr Dr and Mrs Peffer Dr and Mrs IS lvansr Roberts Dr and Mrs Mahin I rector A Kellogg Prof: and Mrs Harding Prof and Mrs A Young Prof and Mrs A Phillips Prof and Mrs Thurber Prof and Mrs isher Prof and Mrs Dukes Prof and' Mrs Albright Prof and Mrs Wiley Prof and Mrs ore Pfof and Mrs A Kenyon Prof and Mrs Robbins Prof and Mrs King Prof and Mrs A Daehler Prof and Mrs I Christie Prof Laura1 rrye Prof and Mrs Lommel George Lomm'el Mrs Bennett Cnnrh Coach Ward Lambert Mr and Mrs James Mr and Mrs Patrick Mr and Mrs Ha wisher Mr and Mrs Prater Mr and Mrs Hofford Mr and Mrs Williams Mr and Mrs isher JUST OU Advance May Records ATCJKCJ ti20 VapoRub kw More Than 17 Million Jars Used Yearly i years with stijm could not eat and Ayone to sdy work rather fight Since of Mayr'd Wob Gr adually want to fyournteresis Safeguarded 1AMONDS for our stock are personally selected I by experts with painstaking care Set in mountings of our own selection In DIAMOND SET JEWELRY we are showing Blue White Perfect Stones in Bar pins Pend ants and Brooches that are to be particularly admired want to see this collection of diamonds and or South Bend have arrived for a visit i with Mrs Graham's parents Mr 'and Mrs' Henry Martin Mrs Martin has been ill for several weeks Miss Bertha Lawrence has re turned from a visit with relatives in Chicago and Milwaukee Mr and Mrs David Elkin will re turn Saturday from' a visit in Chicago Miss Lois Oppenheimer of Pen sacola la will arrive Sunday to visit her uncle and aunt Mr and Sam A Cahn 615 Owen street 'Mrs Cahn has invited a few friends to meet Miss Openlicimer bunaay afternoon hours four to six ing the ceremony an informal recep tion was held for I the immediate families at the hojjne of the bride where refreshments were served The bridegroom is employed as a machinist at the Monon shops Air and Mrs Haas will Imake their home for the present jjliU1 the bride's father on North Twentieth street in til on thickly and covered with hot flannel cloths Leave the clo'h ind the bed clothes arranged in the form of a funnel so the vapprs arising may be freely inhalpd If the cough is annoying swallow a small bit of Vicks the size df a pea Samples to new users will sent free on reauest to the Chemical Company 231 Brsad Street Greensboro Airs loyd Mueller and children of Jxs Angeles Cal are the guess of the parents Air and Airs Baugh of Littleton street Alias ixiiiise and Aliss Dorotl Kirkpatrick of New Richmond are spending the week end iu the city with friends Aliss Alice Alurdoek of Indianap tw YORK CITY is having another vice investigation The gay life Nj 'of the Great White Way is to be told the regular grand jury by a 1 1 pastor a social worker and three society" women among others The states that for spme time the women have been investigat Ing conditions in dance halls and cabarets Hniiv The strangest thing about this story recently by the dally pai rs is the fact that a minister and three society women are going to make the report disclosing the night life in the dance halls Then too another strange thing is that Mayor Hyian ordered the investlga ie a qciIzaH feu diirinff his ad minis tion wnicn manes miu vuv 7 xe oaUv ho ihnt fna mnvnr tnfl C1TV tration ctii 'wv need to be told what it going on in the city? Is there anything that pastor and three society women could tell the mayor and the grnci jury that they'do not ready know? If there is it is high time that a new mayor and gXnd jury were picked from the ranks of say minisj ters and society 'women 1 It is Very doubtful however that a sheltered "society woman? should give a comprehensive or ever enlightening report on the subjeejt of the evils of the dance hails and cauarets iraiipyi and nronerlv escorted steps from home in an "eminently respectable" neighborhood to "investigate" how the other half of the world spends its nights is not convincing Her 'presence in the court room at a vice investigation savors too much oi the sensational and one cannot help but feel that these "society womL undertook their investigation just for the sake of new thrill a taste of the vsked life from which circumstances have cut them off or troin the promptings of a sordid oi distorted curiosity it would be a good idea to cease such investigations and spend a little more effort getting officials and public employes to perform the duties they are hired to perform Then perhaps the conditions inves Ligated would not exist Springtime Blood Remedies and Tonics Get these at LoMars and save your health and money A Blood Remedy $100 $150 Pepto Mangan $13 75c 89c' 94c Vinol 89c Mlles Tonic 93c Miles Nervine 96c Wampole Extract Cod er 89c Social Calendar SATURDAY APfllL 7 The Lincoln club will hold awake Morning is a triDute to Instant POSTUM after the 'offee drink er makes the change to this healthful bevep no disturbed sleep or nerve irrita tion in PjOSTXJM 1 1 1 1 ill II Xmeri I 1 Try ev jn 1 i i I BpR njB ItvanttyJ 31 Aa Price 9 IU 7 A proud high insteps are finding just what a The spat is just is a 1 A UflJK i iwc i ua i i a I 1 Im BSfi A I I IM anil xls it WVj Bl IMT JTT 77 1 ME 1T TIM InTWHiil Ww' 7 I 'r a $9 Trnjip fir Ww Ifaff tfiJei I 1 1 pl Births 1 Mr and Airs Grandstaff tof Union strtet are the par ents of a daughter born Thursday night al St Elizabeth hospital The infant has been timed Mary Allee' Grandstaff 7 i.

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