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Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana • 9

Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana • 9

Lafayette, Indiana
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9 LAAYETTE JOURNAL AND COURIER Thursday Evening June 16 1927 West Lafayette and Purdue PURDUE NAMES Kellogg left Hamilton of Conners NEW TEACHERS riday Saturday and Monday Specials 45c Westminster Control Board Convenes HereKenna amily Guests the 10c 19c or POST TOASTIES 'marc 35c Corn Peas Tomatoes Hominy Kenna Succeeding in cans 21c mwneir Cheney LbUR NEW POTATOES peck75c 5 Keml station We Have a ull Line of ire Works 1008 Main St Purdue Looking Over 1731 Main St 207 Columbia St A REAL VALUE IN WELL KNOWN BRANDS CATSUP 15c MAL IRST ONIONS John Rycraf THE IDEAL WITHOUT PAIN LOUR DR 3 YEARS 98c 89c IB SUGAR 32c 69c BULK 18c 530 Main 10c ib POTATOES 5 3OC Pork Steak 175 PORK SAUSAGE 14c 288 SIZE OLEO GOODVALUE REAL GOOD OR JUNEDALE 2 LBS OR 35c 15c ORANGES dozen 25c SMOKED HAMS 20c 29c I BEE QAp STEAK £vv New Cabbage BOILING 1 Ap BEE Journal and Courier Want Ads Bring Results ROGER ters close were of a Kenna Dorothy in Country Club 2 lb Sack 2 3 6 is of the prices the and select thousand Over two guarantee 17 Third 24 lb bag PEACHES and PEARS JOWL BACON 17c 45c 35c ancy Royal Navy Beans 5 lbs Red Beans 3 cans Small package 3 for 14c 28c 49 lb bag Phone 5067 29c 24c 59c 65c 90c CRACKERS Sodas or Butters Clifton 24 lb Sack Sliced BACON per lb Come in Six BANANAS Extra ancy' 3 pounds phy will be conferred upon Pontius at this time LEMONS 300 Size Dozen 25c 10c 33c 21c Wine still preserved in the cel lars of a London dealer dates back in 1540 and 1631 has been named a engined ing experi meeting of the and from there he will go to Orleans for the summer Marcotte Evansville younger daugh Mrs John Idppoldt of Boulder returned from Cham after attending Prof twentieth anniversary the University of Illi aculty Changes at Close of Year Are Announced Some Resignations and Some Promotions practical mechanics in chemical engi Purdue '21 now New Texas ONIONS 3 Lbs 25c Case of One Dozen CORN LAKES Dr instructor to assistant professor relinger Music House South Side Square Hall' ad Community Sound Winesap APPLES 3 Lbs 25c "You can tell anyone that your Gly Cas lias done more for me than any other medicine ever says Mr Dennis Hornbeck 639 Second St Columbus Ind about this new medical discovery at st re Lafayette been named super construction on and assumed bls Salted Milk ed Chickens 2 pounds Soap Chips Peanut Butter Kisses 1 pound 1 pound can Monarch Cocoa 1 pound can arm House Cocoa HEINZ 14 oz BOTTLE of About thirty friends of the honored guests present After the serving delicious supper picnic style a delightful program of music was given by the Misses Kenna and Charlotte Slane California OA Oranges 2 doz 30c 15c Sweet Sour and Dill Pickles 15c 2or 25c will please covered dish Dr and Mrs Garv and Dr Awful Gas ormation Ended By the Gly CasJ Mr Hornbeck States 1 Garcelon assistant engineer of tests Baltimore and Ohio railroad Caddington engineer of tests nd railroad A Miers service test inspector New York Central railroad Lewis mechanical engineer of the Tinius Olsen Co which furnished most of the equipment for the tests Johnson assistant engineer of tests a nd physics laboratory Pennsylvania railroad 10 Lbs Pure Cane I wendolyn of the their son Prof Pontius and family of Russell street I Prof A Poorman and family 'of Russell street and guest Miss Genevieve Colo have paign Ill reunion at nois ville was here to attend the wed ding of Miss Lucie Ramsey and Howard Stoops Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs Allen and sisters Marie and Lucille Allen left Wednesday to motor back to their home in Chattanooga Tenn after a visit with Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Charles Stallard Emerson Pugh of Chicago Ill a member of the elec trical faculty at Purdue was in the city for a brief visit Thursday Prof Cutler and family departed Thursday for Madison Wis where they will upend summer Rev and Mrs daughters Elaine GASOLINE NOW 11c A welcome announcement is the fact that gasoline may now cost only 11c It Is estimated that this reduction would effect a saving of millions of dollars for the Amer ican Motorists This amazing re duction is brought about by mysterious little device that easily installed on any car in PHONE for your WANTS 473 Mrs Earl Aljers of returned home after visit with Mr and Adams Cheer class of the irst Methodist' Sunday school will hold a picnic and business meet ing at Columbian park riday afternoon at 3 o'clock Members 2'zi lb cans to Springfield with Mrs avenue Ixiuise Burkle tor of Pr and Burkle underwent a tonsil opera tion Thursday morning at the Home hospital Each item mentioned in this ad highest quality and the lowest in town your Sunday dinner pounds to chose from hundred varieties We you will be satisfied MH HORNBECK Lad become so weak and ner vous from stomach trouble and rheumatism I could hardly do a day's says Mr Hornbeck "The gas formations that came in my stomach were awful and I would get so dizzy at times stagger and almost fall But hon estly rm almost like a new man since taking this wonderful Gly Cas 'My stomach hasn't bothered me a bit now and those awful gases are gone or the first time in 3 yearS A can eat onions now without bad after effects and my former dizziness is relieved too I just eat well and sleep good thanks to Gly Cas which has done more for me than any medicine I've ever Gly Cas sold tn 1 afayette drug store 410 Main St apd by leading druggists in all surrounding towns 1 I BRAHAM CRACKERS 1UC pound California 1 A Lima Beans IvC ree Delivery ree Delivery 201 Columbia St a is a few minutes time Oliver 1011 1772 Winnebago St Milwaukee Wis is so proud of this invention that for a limited time lie is of fering the device free to auto own ers who will help introduce it He also needs men everywhere and offers profits of $75 to $150 a week to men who will handle lo cal business Write him at once' Lin oomrilh nfPAT 55 TT fl TY1OD 1U1 lice 1 botany staff of the expnniHit Krn 1 for the University where lie has at Mrs Mr and Mrs 153 Sheetz street WHOLESALE GROCERS SELLING DIRECT TO YOU WE DELIVER $300 ORDERS REE Powdered Sugar 3 and of Prof Rowell and family and Miss Katherine Thursday for Madison' Wis They were accompanied by Mrs sister Miss MAthilde Toepfer oi Madison who has been spending several weeks here Miss Kila Hodges has returned III after a visit Kohl of owler their guests Mr and Mrs Israel Pontius of Napoleon Ohio will motor to Madison Wis riday to attend commencement exercises at Wisconsin university on June 20 The degree of Doctor of Philoso Proi Attends Reunion Prof A Cole of the school I of mechanical engineering at Pur due left Wednesday for Worches 1 ter Mass to attend his twenty 1 fifth class reunion at Worchesteri Polytechnical June 27 to 30 Prof i Cole will be at Orono Maine I where lie will attend the annual of UJ dl JI CL11U A miu Westcott of Chicago have return ed to their homes after being the guests of Mr and Crane Symes COUNTRY CLUB 14 oz BOTTLE use Jap Rose soap exclusively All dealers have JAP ROSE SOAP frpe samnie oner ana inun py making proposition Advertise i the Clear Soap for a Clear Skin The Westminster board of con trol of Presbyterian student af fairs at Purdue was in session this week Routine business re ports and plans for the coming mauV Afl thft COHSld rq1 3 i a lY iftmnaro nr i eraiuHi ui me board Those present were: Rev Arcliibald McClure South Bend John VanNatta Brookston Dr Harry Crain John Nicely Muncie Dr Milner Indian apolis Dr Rice Richmond Dr Henrv Dr Samuel Callen ort Wayne Profs Mason Ludy Edith Gamble A Young A Zehring Dean Shoemaker Graham and Rev John indley RECIPE CHERRY PIE Three cups cherries 4 tablespoons flour 1 cup sugar teaspoon salt plain pastry Measure cherries after they are washed and the pits removed Mix flour sugar and salt together then mix with cherries ollow method for making and baking apple pie Just before serving sprnkle the top with powdered sugar or cherry tart pie put strips of pastry half inch wide crisscross over the top COUNTRY CLUB $333 39c versity tlie father where the son lias already Cor hern pledged to Phi Delta Theta the fraternity Holliday Rose and new assistants bring sandwiches and service Long and Mrs our Roses Malt can Budweiser Malt can Double Dutch Malt can We Have a ull Line of Stoneware Work on Draft Gears The sub draft gear committee of the American Railway associa tion composed of nin men spent Wednesday and Thursday at Pur due university inspecting the equipment and draft gear tests being carried on at Purdue under the direction of William Gray Th? tests are being conducted in a building constructed especially for the work immediately behind the practical mechanics building The committee was composed of Mijler assistant engineer Pennsylva a railroad Young general maintenance en gineer and railroad A Henry engineer of motive power Pennsylvania railroad IL Prof Hall to' Speak At Newtown Meeting Prof Oakel Hall will address Via wv amhortt thA CtlUrctlCS i I I 1 1 I A 7 A A 4 New York Central railroad Newtown at a community meei Schlatter foreman of Ing in the Newtown Method st 1 a iii ii 13 cnurcii ounua The subject or t'roi dress will be "'A not previously an are as follows: Eva loom Price from school of home Thatcher Edith Evans Matclictt Tindall chem Weinland ami in Spanish Northwestern SMOKEDLra PICNICS Junedale BACON OtXp wnvie ur nan know that no amount of creams and lotions will keep their skin I smooth if the pores remain clogged with powder and dust and body waste To keep their pores Chips 2 3Oc The New Orthophonic Vic trola and All Late Victor Records at PROMOTION was prolrnneu from instructor to assistant pro fessor of English and Honeywell from instructor to as sistant professor of floriculture The resignation of Kend rick from the agricultural was approved leave July or i aiiioiiuo epted an excellent position in le seareh work Grocery and Meat Market Phones 1608 1501 Corner Sixth and Salem St COURTESY IS OUR MOTTO We always have quality goods At all times we aDDreciate your phone orders and always try to gie you our best service We have REE DELIVERY anv place in the city You can depend on us for QUALITY and SERVICE Try a Pound of Our Special Coffee 39c AZLE MARKET ruznAHTCfr unirg MAT 'HfW Several faculty changes not pre viously announced at Purde were approved by the board of trustees nt its June meeting Those changes not previously announced follow: Ben Browne graduate of the University of Kentucky instruc tor in civil engineering Elwood Murray instructor in English to succeed Glander resigned to accept a position at Ohio state university uaui raiuui connected with the State College of Washington Instructor in Eng lish to succeed Conklin re signed Ellis from the University of Chicago to he instructor in history in the place of Prof Sears who Is on a year's leavef absence to teach at Duke uni versity HISTORY TEACHER Murphy gradate of Pur due and the University of Chica go is a new Instructor in history 1 Holladav was named bac teriology assistant to succeed Carman resigned Velma McCulloch was named general biology assistant to suc ceed iris rumey A Clark Sleeper Weber are phvsics filling vacancies II Hamilton Purdue who has been with the General Electric 1 ciinnr i uni pan iu" intendent of new the campus duties Carter fellow in the irton I eta fill RESIGNATIONS Resignations nounced Marie son and the staff economics physics assistant 11 Evans Swim and istry assistants pharmacy Hershey who has gone university as Qnoniuli Haga was transferred from Instructor to instructor peering PINEAPPLES Argo Gloss or Corn Starch 3 pkgs Members of the West Lafayette Country club will be entertained at a card party Tuesday evening June 21 at 8 at the club I house The committee in charge includes Mr and Mrs A Brownless Mr and Mrs Clyde Ritr Chnrrh Protect Morgan Mr and Mrs red belke Qlg CjllUrCll rrojecir Ars red Hudson and Rev A Kenna formerly of 5ilr Mrs Stradling West Lafayette now of Laporte!" here Wednesday to perform a mar 1 PERSONAL AND GENERAL riage ceremony informed friends prof and Mrs Robbins that the movement to build and I children left Wednesday for a handsome new church unee lor his congregation is progressing rapidly The structure is to cost $280000 Work on the basement is already nearing completion and the contract is soon to be let for the main construction work Harold son of Rev and Mrs Kenna was graduated this spring from tlie Iaporte high school and next fall will enter alma motor trip east They will VI in Worcester Mass and will spend tlie summer in the Adiron dack ana tv nite niuunini Mr niirl "Mrs John and Mr and Mrs Edward Organ who have been spending several Jove wit li Mr Stemm returned Thursday to their home in Elkhart DePauw uni 1 Prof Sherman and fam mater of hisljiv left Wednesday by motor for i 1 nr 1 1 1 CtTlAYirl lias vonnecucui wuac summer Capt and Mrs Dockum and sons left Wednesday for ort I'II I Sill Okla They win go on 1 OUtlUS ill Kecetve Colorado to spend a several Hu Advanced Degree' Prof and Airs Pontius and Miss Bernice Moore has arrived daughter Jeanette accompanied by from Davton Ohio where she is si a music pupil tn riui and a member of tlie Westminster choir to spend tlie summer with her father John Moore Mr and Mrs Israel Pontius of Napoleon Ohio are the guests of 6 bars of Star City Soap 1 pound box Dried Peaches 2 pound box Dried Peaches 1 pound Cluster Raisins special A ull Line of ancy Baskets Soap 3 10c 99c CWC Cream 4 Iplyj cry Butter aB afl IB BB Blk 6 lbs I cents rUKn dnuuLvuw At a Picnic Supper A picnic supper was given Wed nesday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs William Riehle on Pierce in honor of Rev and the Mrs Alpha Kenna and daugh SPECIALS THIS WEEK airy Soap 5c bar or 2 35c cans Cub Peaches 56c 5 bars Does It Easy Soap 10 bars and Soap Wray or Purdue Butter 25e 2 pounds Powdersd Sugar pounds Seedless Raisins boxes Macaroni or Spaghetti 25c boxes Searchlight Matches 35c jre Cider Vinegar gallon Oc Large Prunes pound 28c Garden Teas box 25c ancy Strawberries and Cherries Haddock ish pound Mackerel each Large package Corn lakes Ralston Breakfast ood Malted Grape Nuts large Malted Grape Nuts small Pettijohn Breakfast ood 2 nounds bulk Starch Great Northern Beans 2 pounds for 25c Don't orget to Try a Sack of Pride lour and and Isaura Marie who were the guests of Mr and Mrs AV Schwab returned to Laporte Thursday morning They were here to at tend the Ramsey Stoops wedding' Capt and Culver have a few Mrs Ray A The Good Oil 4 or Mustard Sar dines or 4 cans HOT HOUSE TOMATOES lb To su I'MI I I Ji ITI'X I gj I I Ji ii I I I I I iVtVVWWWM i 171c CWG 25c 65c 25c $173 1 v' TV II JELLO OOJ BRAN Or 3 pkgs LAKES 3 pkgs PALMOLIVE SOAP Oa7 PIMENTOES OE 3 bars LUU 3 2 oz jars COUNTRY CLUB BALL MASON WONDERNUT BUTTER RUIT JARS OLEO 45c Lb DOZEN 87c 19c Lb 'j.

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